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Spend New Year's Eve in Scottsdale

December 25, 2021

Today may be Christmas Eve, but my mind is already focused on ringing in the New Year! If you're planning on spending New Year's Eve in Scottsdale, then you're in for an amazing time. Here are a few of the events that you can look forward to! 


New Year's Eve at Wasted Grain

Head to the upper level of Wasted Grain and enjoy 3 local DJs that are sure to get you dancing! A ticket to this event includes a free drink. Find out more: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/new-years-eve-wasted-grain-presented-by-up-in-lights-tickets-216944686397?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

New Year's Eve Bar Crawl 

Spend New Year's exploring 8+ great bars in the heart of Old Town. Each location is offering drink specials- at some, you may even score a free welcome shot! Find out more: https://www.nasstive.com/scottsdale/newyearseve/ 


New Year's Eve Mirrorball

Come to Talking Stick Resort for an over-the-top New Year's party! Mirrorball will feature hot live music, multiple bars, a champagne toast, party favors, and a great time! Find out more: https://www.talkingstickresort.com/phoenix-scottsdale-concerts-entertainment/entertainment-listing/salt-river-grand-ballroom/mirrorball-nye-celebration?gclid=Cj0KCQiAkZKNBhDiARIsAPsk0WhCR7wbrfQai_s7rIlSWgsNMN2IUiQ62oGZSHDGENbzDhiZckLhfuwaAjO_EALw_wcB

New Year's at the W

Enjoy a fun evening at the W! You'll see the W drop and have a spectacular view of fireworks from the Wet Deck rooftop. Find out more: https://promos.marriott.com/PHXWH/genesis-nye-package 

How are you spending New Year's Eve? If you haven't made plans yet, then why not head to Arizona!? You'll never forget a New Year's Eve spent in Scottsdale! Plan your trip today!